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During the 23/24 academic year, Iraultza Maguregi, Iker Diez from the Culinary Management program, and Amalur Trompetto from the Culinary and Gastronomy Cycle will have the opportunity to carry out their Work Placement Training in Italy and Malta, thanks to the scholarships promoted by Erasmus+ and managed by Ikaslan Mobility.

These three protagonists will share their expectations and feelings in these initial weeks. Go ahead!

  • What motivated you to choose to participate in the Erasmus+ program as a student at the Galdakao Hospitality School?


I.M.: The opportunity to get to know another gastronomic culture and another country.
A.T.: To have new experiences and meet new people from different towns.
I.D.: The opportunity to step out of the comfort zone, experience another country, environment, an experience everyone should live through at least once in their life, both for personal and professional growth, learning different cooking methods, culture, language...

  • Where will you be doing your internships? (Company, location, gastronomic offering).

I.M.: Corradosi Seafood Restaurant, Pistoia (Italy).
A.T.: Trattoria Romana Zero Sei in Valletta (Malta), 75 Old Theatre Street, Il-Belt Valletta.
I.D.: Rompicapo Le Argeliche Restaurant (Palermo)

  • What are your expectations regarding the internships you will carry out during your participation in Erasmus+?

I.M.: To learn new cooking methods, a new language, and discover new recipes.
A.T.: Honestly, I have no expectations, just being comfortable with my coworkers is enough for me.
I.D.: Mainly to improve professionally, but also personally, learning different organizational methods... Getting to know colleagues and sharing with them...

  • Let's talk about accommodation. Where are you staying? What is the accommodation like? Who are you sharing with?

I.M.: Villa Michelina Youth Hostel. The accommodation is quite basic, to be honest. I share it with 6 Basque people and around 10-15 foreigners.
A.T.: I am staying in a shared house with 9 other vocational students from Euskal Herria. We are staying at Vía Carrietieri, 8. The place is well-maintained, spacious, and comfortable; the house has most of the necessary things, in my opinion, it's very good.
I.D.: In my case, I share a house with 4 other people, all of them very nice, we complement each other well, I am very grateful.

  • How do you plan to make the most of your time outside of work to immerse yourself in the local culture and improve your language and culinary skills?

I.M.: I will do a lot of sightseeing, which will lead me to meet new people, and since most of them don't speak English, I will make an effort to learn Italian.
A.T.: By going out to visit places with my colleagues.
I.D.: Palermo has a lot of markets (street food) that must be tried, we intend to take a couple of trips, take the train and visit towns... We want to take advantage and fully immerse ourselves in our surroundings.

The Galdakao Hospitality School thanks you for your collaboration, for sharing your experience with the rest of the Educational Community, we stay in touch :).

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