We offer you the opportunity to receive training corresponding to the NEW PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES regulated by ROYAL DECREE 34/2008, of January 18 (BOE No. 27, Thursday, January 31, 2008) and modified by Royal Decree 189/2013, of March 15 (BOE No. 69, Thursday, March 21, 2013) and by Order ESS/1897/2013, of October 10 (BOE No. 249, Thursday, October 17, 2013).
Within the framework of Vocational Training, Professional Certificates correspond to the teachings aimed at obtaining and certifying competencies contained in a professional qualification.
The call has been published in the BOPV No. 141, dated July 20, 2020 (RESOLUTION of July 2, 2020, of the Director General of Lanbide-Basque Employment Service, for the publication of the Management Assignment Agreement between Lanbide-Basque Employment Service and the Department of Education, for the implementation of the training program 2020-2023 aimed at unemployed and employed workers in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country).
More information
Reflected in the RESOLUTION of July 2, 2020, of the Director General of Lanbide-Basque Employment Service, for the publication of the Management Assignment Agreement between Lanbide-Basque Employment Service and the Department of Education, for the implementation of the training program 2020-2023 aimed at unemployed and employed workers in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (BOPV 20/07/20)
The percentages of participation of each of the groups (active workers, public service workers, and unemployed persons) established in clause Eighth (page 9), section 1.2, will be fulfilled. For the corresponding calculation, the total number of participants authorized for each course will be taken as reference, which in the case of the center is 13 PAX. In addition to this quantitative limitation, this participation is restricted by the provisions of the applicable legislation regarding the type of training actions that this group (public service workers) can access within the Employment Training System.
Thus, Royal Decree 694/2017, of July 3, which develops Law 30/205, of September 9, which regulates the Vocational Training System for Employment in the labor market, in its article 31.2, limits the participation of personnel serving the Public Administrations to 10% of the total participants and only in transversal training actions, described in article 21 of the same law.
Therefore, it is informed that the set of actions programmed in the center are qualifying but NOT TRANSVERSAL, which implies the impossibility of participation of personnel serving the Public Administrations.
The dates of implementation are indicative and conditioned on the formation of a group, so there may be changes in their execution with respect to what was initially planned.
NOTE: To be able to register, you must be registered with LANBIDE.
The application for a place is made through this page by selecting the course that interests you and filling in ALL the details.
In the selection of participants for each Module/Training Unit, the following will be taken into account:
- The order of application.
- The compliance established in the priority of access defined in the call (RESOLUTION of July 2, 2020, of the Director General of Lanbide-Basque Employment Service, for the publication of the Management Assignment Agreement between Lanbide-Basque Employment Service and the Department of Education, for the implementation of the training program 2020-2023 aimed at unemployed and employed workers in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. (BOPV 20/07/20).)
Once all applications have been received, the admitted applicants (once the call has been published and resolved) will be contacted by phone or email for the start of each module or training unit, as well as to carry out the corresponding procedures for the start of the course in which they were admitted.
FREE OF CHARGE, we offer you the opportunity to receive training corresponding to CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES (OPEN OFFER, NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE MODULAR CATALOG). An offering of courses on current and interesting topics, which through small modules
Each professional certificate (levels 1, 2, 3) is divided into training modules that, depending on their duration, can be divided into training units..
Select the module or training unit in which you want to enroll.
COURSE OFFER Not Associated with the Modular Catalog: 2022-2023
Select the course in which you wish to pre-enroll:
Couse |
Teaching date |
Total length
Days and schedules
Situation |
HOTR001HV Cocina en miniatura: Elaboración de pinchos sencillos |
From 20/01/2023 to 31/03/2023 |
45 Hour amount |
Viernes de 17:00 a 21:00 |
Completed Course |
HOTR001HV Cocina en miniatura: elaboración de pinchos sencillos G2 |
From 20/01/2023 to 31/03/2023 |
45 Hour amount |
Viernes de 17:00 a 21:00 |
Completed Course |
HOTR0017HV Cocina de vanguardia, cocina fusión y deconstructiva |
From 29/03/2023 to 03/05/2023 |
30 Hour amount |
Miércoles y Jueves de 17:00 a 21:00 |
Completed Course |
HOTR0007HV Cocina Km 0 |
From 19/04/2023 to 25/05/2023 |
45 Hour amount |
Miércoles y Jueves de 17:00 a 21:00. El día 19/04 sólo 1 hora de clase |
Completed Course |
HOTR0115HV Cocina vegetariana |
From 29/03/2023 to 11/05/2023 |
40 Hour amount |
Miércoles y Jueves de 17:00 a 21:00. |
Completed Course |
HOTR0016OH Pintxos II |
From 21/04/2023 to 30/06/2023 |
45 Hour amount |
Viernes de 17:00 a 21:00 |
Full Course |
HOTR004HV Repostería básica para menú del día |
From 23/05/2023 to 15/06/2023 |
45 Hour amount |
Martes, miércoles y Jueves de 17:00 a 21:00 |
Completed Course |
Select the type of CONTINUOUS EDUCATION you wish to enroll in
Thank you for registering, you will shortly receive an email with the request you have made, remember that registering does not guarantee a place in the course