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    Bizkaiko ostalaritza hezitzen
    Hezkuntza sistema dinamiko eta oraingoa, non ikaslea protagonista den


Welcome to the oldest public Hospitality center in the Basque Autonomous Community: CIFP HOSTELERÍA-OSTALARITZA LHII - GALDAKAO (Galdakao Hospitality School). It has been 45 academic years since its first academic year in 1978 at the initial facilities located in Bª de Elexalde, specifically at the municipal swimming pools. Throughout this time, our main focus has been and continues to be quality education based on an innovative and cutting-edge teaching-learning system, thanks to the constant evolution and improvement of our team, composed of over twenty professionals, whose preparation and enthusiasm, along with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, make CIFP HOSTELERÍA-OSTALARITZA LHII - GALDAKAO considered the most prestigious in the Basque Autonomous Community. We want to highlight the intense work carried out by the organization in 2003, which resulted in obtaining the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management and Quality Training certificate (updated), subsequently obtaining the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Training certificate (updated), titles that we have renewed in successive stages. In order to maintain this level of continuous improvement that we have set for ourselves, we undertook the challenge of renewing our website in 2008. This is the result that we hope will be pleasing to everyone.

Argibide gehiago
Euskadiko Ostalaritza eskolarik antzinakoena

Ia 42 ikasturte igaro dira eskolak 1978an bere lehen ikasturtea inauguratu zuenetik.

Euskal Sukaldaritza Eskolarik ospetsuena

Gure profesionalei, ekipamenduari eta instalazio aurreratuenei esker.

Kalitate ziurtagiriak dituen ostalaritza eskola

Ingurumenaren Kudeaketaren eta Kalitateko Prestakuntzaren ISO 14001:2004 ziurtagiria eta Prestakuntzaren Kalitatearen ISO 9001:2008 ziurtagiria

Balio erantsiak: praktikak enpresetan eta jarduerak

Bizkaiko ostalaritza espresa ospetsuenetan praktikak eskaintzen ditugu, bai eta eskolaz kanpoko ezin konta ahala jarduera ere

Azken albisteak


Joan den martxoaren 21ean, osteguna, Islandiako bakailao-lehiaketa ospetsua egin da Extremadurako ostalaritzako eta nekazalturismoko goi-mailako eskolan, Meridan. Galdakaoko ostalaritza-eskola Martin Cataldi hautagaiaren ordezkaritzarekin bertaratu da, eta bertan zegoen epaimahaiarentzat egin zuen platerean izan dituen trebetasunak erakutsi ditu. Besteak beste, Cristina Jolonch (La Vanguardiako gastronomia-kritikaria), Bacalao Islandiako Kristin Björsson eta Magnús Jónsson eta Toño perez sukaldariak, Caceresko Atrio jatetxeko sukaldaria, hiru...


Atzo gure eskola aurretik 23.Korrika pasatu zitzaigun.  KORRIKA Euskal Herri osoan zehar egiten den euskararen aldeko ekimen erraldoia da, bi mila kilometro baino gehiago euskararen alde, adin eta mota guztietako milaka partaiderekin, gau eta egun gelditu gabe. Euskararen aldeko kontzientzia suspertzea du helburu eta guk ere, aurten, bat egin nahi izan dugu ekimen babestua eta maitatu honetan gure kilometroa korrituz. Zain geundela, jolas-orduan...

LOREA SEARA txapeldunordea "Talentos by Abril" gastronomia lehiaketaren II. edizioan

Martxoaren 15ean, gure ikaslea den Lorea Searak, Aceites Abrilek antolatutako gastronomia-lehiaketa ospetsuaren bigarren edizioan parte hartu zuen, penintsulako ipar-mendebaldeko sukaldari gazteenaren postua lehiatuz."Marmataki plater berritzailearekin: ( Berdel-tatakia marmitako gainean, piper emultsioa, txakolin eta olio airearekin batera", Loreak epaimahaikide eta entzuleak liluratu zituen, bigarren saria eskuratzean aztarna ezabaezina utziz. Lehia hain estua izan zen, ezen epaile taldearen boto sekretua eta Miguel...

Lankide ditugun enpresa eta erakundek

Googleen Iritziak

A wonderful experience. Both the food and the service were great. You made us enjoy.
Juan Carlos Valle,
20 Abr, 2024

The experience has been very good. The effort made by the students is appreciated. As a drawback, the dishes could arrive a little hotter. Haute cuisine for a school. We will repeat.
Isa Castañeda,
23 Feb, 2024

He had never experienced anything like that. I found the service to be very good and the explanation of each dish I ate was a very good detail. They have been attentive at every moment. Warm -price. I think it is very worth it, living the experience. Atte: Table 7 on 02/16/2024
Melcita Cortez,
16 Feb, 2024

Excellent quality and presentation of the dishes. Fast and very professional service. Very attentive and pleasant staff. Excellent experience. To come back.
goio aguirre,
7 Feb, 2024

I have been Erasmus+ exchsnge program student in here 4 week and I really like it. I have learn a lot of spanish and bask bakery and pastries. People are so helpful and nice even we don't have always same language (I don't speak spanish). When you do your best they do to. I It is easy to take buss from Bilbao to get here.
Outi Elfengren,
13 Feb, 2020

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